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(erielack) Re: NJT 905

Ron and list,
    It appears that it may have parentage in the EL group but not from 
the ones that were conveyed to the D&H.  First and foremost it appears 
to have had end ladders and roofwalks and the ones conveyed to the D&H 
were the last EL group built without any of these features.
    Also, that small window on the side view is indicative of a water 
closet and I believe off the top of my head that the former EL's had two 
same sized windows at the corners on the one side and one on the corner 
and one midway on the left side on the side opposite.  I need to pull 
out my photos and slides to confirm this however.

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Roger Kirkpatrick
  To: RR Caboose ; Erie/EL List ; D&H List ; Bob Chupka ; John A. Shaw
  Sent: Sunday, April 06, 2003 12:03 PM
  Subject: NJT 905


  NJT 904, 906, & 907 are ex-EL/D&H steel, bay window, cabooses.

  NJT 905 is a steel, bay window caboose that has similar 
characteristics but whose origin is unknown at present.  It can be seen 
at: hometown.aol.com/ronlecis/cabeese.html.

  I rejoined the D&H List to send this, but it may beat my OK to join 
the List by the powers that be.

  Thanks, Roger
  Roger Kirkpatrick, 109 S. Madison St., Cortez, CO 81321
