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RE: (erielack) Erie Photo ID

Paul, et all
  Photo appears in the old Kalmbach "Trains Album of  Photographs #14.  Indentified as South Chicago, engine is on tracks of Chicago& Western Indiana.  So says the caption.
  Ben Bartlett

"Tupaczewski, Paul R (Paul)" <paultup_@_alcatel-lucent.com> wrote:
  > http://lists.railfan.net/listthumb.cgi?erielack-09-27-07
> ErieDiamond.jpg (image/jpeg, 1089x823 268734 bytes, BF: 3.34 ppb)
> Posting this one for Paul Brezicki....
> I"m no Erie expert, but some things they why I thought they 
> were just don't go together well for it to be Jersey City. I 
> would be curious to hear what some of the Erie Experts have to say.
> Bob Bahrs

I have to agree with Bob here. Several things are missing and/or out of
whack with what was in JC:

* Where are the big signal bridges?
* What are the two tracks going off to the left?
* Coal dock next to the main tracks here?

My guess would be Chicago. The two divergent lines are common at a
"union" station like Dearborn.

This more closely resembles West End on the DL&W than any Erie location
I'm familiar with out East!

BTW, check out the trackwork in the center of the photo - a switch
overlaid over a diamond! How cool is that?

- - Paul

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