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(erielack) Lackawanna Facilities Book Vol 1

Arrived today.   A real quick glance through every  page found a nice mix of 
photos.  Not just every station, but a mix of  different views of the RR.   
Some had trains, and some were  reprints of photos already used.
Some areas that you were hoping to get to see more of, you got ( like  
Hoboken/Jersey City ) freight yards,
Hoboken Terminal, Manhattan side ferry terminals  etc.     Some area's left 
you disappointed like the lower  freight yard at Newark,  Secaucus, Boonton 
etc, but I fully realize you  can't print what you don't have. 
Other then trying to find photo credits for the three cover photos, I  
haven't read any of the book yet.   Text has often been a Yanosey book  Achilles 
heel  in my eyes, so I'll reserve  further judgement till I  read it. 
Would I recommend you buy it just from the photos?    If  your a fan of the 
RR, YES!     :)
Bob Bahrs

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