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RE: (erielack) Grain in Boxcars

While economics favored the CH, obsolete infrastructure caused boxcar
loading to persist through the 1980's and possibly later. Some light-rail
branchlines could not handle 260,000-lb GW cov hoppers, so boxcars continued
to be used in these areas until elevator consolidation permitted their

Paul B


Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2012 22:02:47 -0500

From: "Joshua K. Blay" <mail_@_joshuakblay.com>

Subject: RE: (erielack) Grain in Boxcars


The Agway/GLF in Homer, NY on the Syracuse Branch was still receiving box

car grain into the 1980s, and EL boxcars too boot!




- - -----Original Message-----

From: tommy meehan [mailto:tmeehan0421_@_gmail.com] 

Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2012 9:06 PM

To: erielack

Subject: (erielack) Grain in Boxcars


This subject -- hauling grain by boxcar -- came up

here the other day. As luck would have it, someone

recently sent me some TRAINS magazines, including

one which featured an issue-length report on rail

grain traffic.


Don Hofsommer wrote a very interesting article in

the issue about the history of the railroad movement

of grain.


Mr.Hofsommer wrote that quick-loading covered

hoppers (moving on multi-car rates) priced grain

by boxcar out of business by the late 1970s.


tommy meehan


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