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RE: (erielack) Bachmann

> I wonder if the guys lettering the FB forgot it was a "B" 
> unit.  That might be easy to do working closeup with stencils.

The one thing you learn about the EL if you study paint schemes is that
there are often deviations from standards. The standards were more closely
followed in the 1970s, but in the 1960s, it was all up to the interpretation
of shop personnel. This is why you see units wearing three different
typefaces for roadnumbers, different kerning (inter-letter spacing) on
roadnumbers, etc. in those days. And yes, weird one-offs like the FB with
full roadname, or early version of schemes such as F-units in the
black/yellow scheme with full Roman "ERIE-LACKAWANNA" on them.

For lettering nuts like me, it's a joy. For modelers, probably not so much!

	- Paul

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