Erie Lackawanna 'erielack' E-Mail List Photo Archive

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From: Dlw1el2 AT aol DOT com
Date: Sun, 9 Aug 2015 11:38:25 -0400
Subject: Donations to Steamtown NHS
"CONRAIL_MATERIAL_About_to_be_donated_to_Steamtown-page0005.jpg" - image/jpeg, 1275x1650 (24bit)

Not sure if it was knowing my Dad had saved all his Time Books and some of
his ETT, but when I hired out, I had a sense that I should try and keep,
not just throw away, a lot of material when it was superseded by new
material, starting with ETT ( Employee's Time Tables ). So, for most of my
career when something new went into effect, I would remove and keep the old
pages, or often the whole book. I would mark the date, and what it was being
replaced with. Put a string or rubber band around it, and put it in an old
cabinet. Ironically, it was a cabinet that I think my dad had kept most
of his RR material in. Over the years, the amount of material, out grew
the cabinet,three fold, but I would just box the material, and that would go
to the loft or shed.

Being on the down side of my collecting carear, and having been max-ed out
of space for a long time has prompted me to start to purge,
but nothing will be thrown out. Donating is now the name of the game for
me. I could start to sell, but that's not why I spent my life creating a
vast collection of Lackawanna, Erie Lackawanna, Conrail and NJT material. All
my Conrail and New Jersey Transit material, starting with but not limiting
it to just the ETT, I donated to the Archives at Steamtown NHS last week.
Anything that I don't often use for research is listed in this first
donation. I expect this to be the first of many. Although a lot of this stuff my
not seem historically significant right now, 25 or 50 years from now, some
one may be doing research on early CR or NJT and it is my hope that they
will find this material useful. I recently acquired a collection of an old
deceased friend, John J McDonald. I combined both his and my public
Lackawanna and EL timetables, and that too was donated. In addition about 10 binders
of photo from his collection were donated. Also there was the two large
three ring binders, that for years I would display at ELHS Conventions where
I asked for donations of any paper work, that had the EL diamond, or the
wording Erie Lackawanna on it. Thanks to all that contributed, because there
was over 215 different forms or pieces of paperwork in those two binders.
All were housed in plastic sleeve's.

In order to help out Pat McKnight at Steamtown, I bought and put
everything donated into plastic sleeves, other than the thick blue CR three ring
ETTs. Everything was boxed in date order, and had these listings attached.
These listings, especially the public timetables, represent thousands of
dollars, that both Jack and I have spent over our life time, but it was
something we were proud of and something we wanted to see go to the appropriate
location. The only reason I'm posting these, is so that if anyone else has a
TT that's not shown, and you would like to contribute it, to make an even
more complete collection, I would encourage you to do so. I have to
emphasize, that Pat is only looking for an item that's NOT on these list. I have
discussed this with Pat, and he is NOT looking for, and does not want,
duplicate material.

These listings were originally in WORD files except for a few that were in
Excel Spread Sheets. I converted all to JPG, and the spread sheets seem
to be a little fuzzy, but I hope you can find the readable.

Bob Bahrs


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