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(rshsdepot) Historical SP Telegraph Office Found In Phoenix, AZ

-From Altamont Press Newsline...

Historical SP Telegraph Office Found In Phoenix 

John Totten, a Phoenix resident, has written in the latest issue of the Southern
Pacific's Historical and Technical Society magazine "S-P Trainline" that he has
located what he believes to be an old Espee telegraph office in the heart of

Totten, in his letter to the editor, writes "Although remodeled and repainted, it
can be identified by the general shape and size, as well as the board and batten
siding. This one is located on 20th Street, between Jackson and Madison streets
in Phoenix. This may have been the Picacho telegraph office mentioned in the
article (referring to an earlier article in the SP Trainline). It is currently being
used as a private residence." -SP Trainline, Gary Stilts
