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(rshsdepot) Get paid to play with trains at Citicorp Station

    Not the dee-pos we're used to, but one heck of a Station:   Clark &
Barbara Dunham's huge and wonderful display layout is coming back to
Citicorp Center in Manhattan (Lexington Avenue & 53rd Street) this year
(after the benighted Citibank gave them a year off and got roundly yelled at
by customers and stockholders), and they need a few people available to fill
in from time to time to help with operation, crowd control, announcements,
derailment-spotting (thankfully rare) and general helping out.
    This is a big, wonderful layout, some really nice modeling and great
overall appearance from their background in theater (remember one of the
greatest pioneer model railroaders, Frank Ellison, also came from the
theater), and it's one of the greatest occasions for bringing railroading
(model and real) to the attention of the Manhattan public, which mostly
doesn't notice trains from day to day or month to month.  It's also just fun
to be there. - and they pay $12 an hour for this hardship!
    Regular slots are filled, but they need some relief and fill-in people.
They're open all week from the day after Thanksgiving to Jan 4, 10-6 and
slightly shorter hours on Sunday.  If you're interested, contact me off list
and I will put you in touch with their schedule meister.
    If you don't want to work, make plans to visit and enjoy if you're in
the City any time during the holidays -- it's really a gorgeous display.
Bring the kids, get big points at home, and have fun while you're doing it.


End of RSHSDepot Digest V1 #206