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(rshsdepot) Fw: StatesmanJournal.com: Support Amtrak service

- ----- Original Message ----- 
From: hwr5_@_columbia.edu 
To: luckyshow_@_mindspring.com 
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 10:10 PM
Subject: StatesmanJournal.com: Support Amtrak service

This story from StatesmanJournal.com has been sent to you by H W Rosenberg (hwr5_@_columbia.edu).

Support Amtrak service

August 11, 2003

Your Aug. 4 editorial advocating the importance of the Legislature's continued support of Amtrak train service was right on the mark. I hope those elected officials with their thumbs so ready to push the "self-destruct Oregon" button paid close attention.

After 17 years of increasing frustration with the commute to Portland, I discovered the train two years ago. It has changed everything for the better.

The train is perhaps the most convenient way for those who are handicapped to safely travel up and down the valley. I see the numbers of handicapped riders growing and it is wonderful to witness their self-sufficiency. Also, it would seem a smart step for state workers from Salem to consider the train -- no overhead for state cars, a lot less pollution and congestion and, if going to Portland, Fareless Square provides free transportation -- likely a money saver for state budgets.

Our current train service is just a start and we must be creative as we plan for the future. However, now is the time for our leadership to do the right thing. Let us hope that none of our legislators want to go down in history as having pushed that "self-destruct Oregon" button.

- --Richard Schulberg


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