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(erielack) Well, Well, Well!

Let me open this note with a statement that the whole ELHS management
discussion including this note belongs on a different forum. I request the
Mr. Schultz insures that this note gets to the EL-Elections forum in the
appropriate place. 

Let me start with a little background. I joined the ERIE Railfan Society in
1974 and have been a member continuously. Randy - my # is 250 which makes
me an old ERIE 0-8-0 yard goat. I have remained quiet like most members
have to this point, but can no longer remain so. My primary interest is
modeling ERIE, with accurate history being an important factor in my modeling.
This note will eventually become personal in case anyone wants to delete at
this point.

I have read some very lucid comments from the keyboards of Shawn Karney,
Rick Sedlisky, Rich Tubbs  and many more. Two nights ago I still equated
the situation as the Indians (members) trying to decide if there should be
a war. The Army (Board of Directors) had decided to circle the wagons and
wait it out. Rick closed his note with the recommendation to have some sort
of group to diffuse the situation.

But now we are informed of a position that our beloved President/Chairman
(General Custer perhaps) has taken with another society.  I now read that
he has taken the liberty to discuss and declare a conclusion based on
incomplete analysis of the ELHS member survey. Further more to my knowledge
these results were not shared with the Great Unwashed Members of the ELHS.
This may not be a violation of the By-Laws, but certainly it appears to
violate the ethics of such a society. Mr. Chairman your pointed sarcasm
about whether the current BOD would be re-elected was uncalled for,
particularly to a third party. Additionally  I would say your timing was
poor at best, if not arrogant. It is time for renewal notices to come out,
you know. 
When I started to put this note together, I was curious how you would
rationlize elected vs. self perpetuating officers - I no longer care. I was
interested in how other societies prospered or failed - I no longer care. 
I intend to renew for one more year to see how the Board of Directors
handles this situation. I beleive the Chairman has created an embarrassing
situation for them.
Along with self-perpatuating goes self-disciplinig. It will be interesting
to see what the membership numbers look like by Feb. 2006.
Schuyler if I misspelled, my apologies. If I have used poor grammar I
apologize. If I have improperly interperted your note to the R&LHS please
let the Great Unwashed know. Beyond that I do not care to hear your sarcasm.
I have written this note in public because I beleive your actions affect
all members that participated in last falls ELHS survey, not just me.

Benton Bartlett
ELHS #250
