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Re: (erielack) [ELHS] The why and wherefore of this list....

On Sun, 12 Dec 2004, bill guimes wrote:

> 	True. As far as info on the RR. But, when it comes to criticism of the 
> organization (ELHS), the subject matter therein has nothing to do with 
> the historical scope of this list.


The scope of this list is not limited to the historical.

> 	Which goes back to my questioning point: was this list created as a 
> place for information or a place for the ELHS to advance an agenda or be 
> subjected to a coup (as I perceive the questioning of the by-laws). If 
> there are ELHS members who want to see the by-laws changed, but the 
> by-laws are written to prevent change, you have two options: accept what 
> is, or sue.

This list is for the discussion of ANYTHING related to the EL.

There can be no coup or "power play" as ELHS subscribers have no power to
play, we aren't even members of anything. No ELHS members want to see the
by-laws changed because, as per those same by-laws, there are no ELHS members!

You are absolutely wrong about there being only two options. ELHS subscribers
can vote with their feet as many have doen already over the past several years
and as many seem to be planning to do in the near future. Even if you consider
that to be "accepting what is," another option is for the board to change the
by-laws. Randy Brown and others have pointed out that there seem to be a
number of flaws, possibly fatal in the legal sense, in the ELHS by-laws which
absolutely should be rectified. In addition to that, those same by-laws have
not in fact been been adhered to, which could possibly bring into play your
Option Two, by default.

> 	The study of the EL and its predecessors and the ELHS as an 
> organization are not necessarily mutually inclusive.

As they are also not mutually exclusive.

> 	I will not continue this thread publicly. Enough time and space have 
> been spent.
> 	Bill

I heartily disagree and that's part of what makes this country great, people
can disagree with anythying :)


J. Henry Priebe Jr.    Blue Moon Internet Corp Network Administrator
www.bluemoon.net       Internet Access & Web Hosting
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