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(erielack) How serious is the membership about making changes

To all,

Apperantly my last email didn't get my point across.  I DO FEEL changes need 
to be maid.  Did I not make clear that the society IS important to me?  I want 
elections for reasons that may be different than yours but I still want 
elections.  Ask yourselves this: can you be 100% comited to the ELHS?  Can you make 
every board meeting no matter what?  Do you really feel that YOU alone can 
make changes to the society with out the support of the membership?    Of course 
not no one can.  

Another question, is the majority of the membership in favor of elections?  
Apparently not since no one but Mr. Shultz stood up at Jamestown.  I'm sure 
that others that were in attendance wanted to see changes.  However, If you don't 
voice your opinion in a majority nothing will be done.  I don't care how the 
bylaws are worded a society of angry members can make changes.  

So to all the members of the board I say this.  Allow changes to be made.  If 
you don't how long before membership really starts dropping.  What good is a 
board of directors with out a membership?  I am not the kind of person to 
cause problems but I will if the situation calls for it.  If the membership speaks 
and nothing is done who says another EL society with interests in preserving 
and presenting the history of the EL and it's predisesors can't be formed.  I 
ask the membership would you leave the ELHS and join such a group?  If you 
would then let that be know to the board. 

One last thing for the board to ask themselves.  Why are you afraid of 
elections.  If the membership in general feels your doing a good job you will be 
re-elected.  If others are elected and can't handle things as well you always 
have the chance of being re-elected.  So what are you affraid of.  Let changes be 
made so that this society doesn't fall apart.

One last comment for everyone.  A change in the board of directors doesn't 
always result in issues being dealt with any more timely.  In fact usually new 
elected officials move quickly at first and then slowly fall into a slow and 
cautious routine.  Just a few things to keep in mind.

If I've totally confused you as to which side I take.  I would like to see 
elections but I would like to be on the by laws committee if not the chairman of 
the committee so I may pick a good close group of younger members who are the 
future of the society who can get together at a moments notice.

Chris Lantz 
