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Re: (erielack) Clearances (was: A study of two ex-D&H SD45s)

From Susquehanna-Buffalo-Mahoning-Marion Div EMP TT #2, effective April 27,  
Page 71   
2301  A  Restrictions----Engines
Series 801-803, 1860-1861, 2401-2586, 3301-3315, 3601-3653
Cleveland, OHio
These engines operating between MP 0.25 Spruce St and MP 0.40 East of  
Winslow Ave, River Bed Line, Cleveland must not pass or be passed by any of  these 
series engine or by any equipment which exceeds 10'8" in width.
Account close clearance speed of 5 MPH on track 1 and 10 MPH on track  2 must 
not be exceeded between these two points.
New York Division/Scranton Division EMP TT #2  April 27, 1969
Page 82
2201 Engine Restrictions
Engines 801-803, and 2401-3653 are restricted as follows:
(a)    Bangor and Portland Branch---Mainline and  passing sidings
(b)    Old Road---Washingotn and Portland (Oxford  Tunnel)
(c)    Scranton Station---Bloom and Sleeper Track
(d)    Syracuse Branch---(Oswego Tunnel)
Later EMP TT may show additional units upon being delivered.

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