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(erielack) Sleeper types

At 05:33 14-09-2007, you wrote:
>Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 14:01:31 EDT
>From: "Janet & Randy Brown" <jananran_@_mymailstation.com>
>Subject: Re:(erielack) LV
>It helps to know sleeoer types.  For instance, "berths, roomettes 
>and bedrooms" strongly implies a 6 section/6 roomette/ 4 double 
>bedroom lightweight.  "Berths and DBRs" probably means a 6 section/6 
>DBR heavyweight.  "Roomettes and bedrooms" is a 10 rmtte/6 DBR lightweight.
>Once the lightweight era was firmly established, sections (or 
>"berths") were rare, except for the 6-6-4.  Compartments usually 
>appeared in an all-room car with drawing rooms and, maybe, DBRs.
>You can get fooled, however.  Erie rebuilt some 12 section/ 4 DBR 
>heavyweights by converting six of the sections into roomettes -- a 4 
>sec/6 rmtte/4 DBR.
>This just scratches the surface, of course, but it does give you an 
>idea of the patterns.  Ain't it fun?
>Randy Brown

Just enough fun to drive one nuts!  Also, the OG doesn't say how many 
cars of each type.

One of the LV in Colour books shows a LV ad showing a roomette.  It's 
caption says (paraphrasing) "Since the LV did not have sleepers with 
roomettes it relied on the CN to supply them."

It was surprising meal service ran Lehighton-NY Penn only.


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