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(erielack) Fwd: Eagle Scout Project

Interesting request I received - can anyone help Michael? Please reply directly to him... 

   - Paul 

- ----- Forwarded Message ----- 
From: "Suchernick Michael" <hmsphasmid_@_optonline.net> 
To: paultup_@_comcast.net 
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2009 5:07:27 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: Eagle Scout Project 

Greetings!,  My name is Michael Suchernick, I am a Boy Scout in Troop 156, Howell NJ. I am working on my Eagle Scout Project which is the restoration of a Railway Express Baggage  Cart.  The cart that I am restoring belongs to the NJ Museum of Transportation, Pine Creek Railroad ( www.njmt.org ).  All that is left of the cart presently are rusted rusted wheel assemblies and side straps- no wood exists at all.  I am finding that information on these carts are  extremely hard to find.   Can you help me in locating  blueprints for REA Baggage carts, proper paint colors, or any other research information?  Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated. 

Michael Suchernick 
Life Scout 
Troop 156 
Howell NJ 

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