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(erielack) DL Scranton

It should be pointed out that the listings posted on the Penn DOT site are
the railroads' needs to attain "A State of Good Repair".  These are projects
that the railroads are saying to Penn DOT that they need to attain a state
of good repair, to remain as a competitive partner in building our
infrastructure and the economy.  However if you add up all the projects on
all the Pa railroads, it probably exceeds $200m, and IF there is a budget
allocation in the Pa budget it's only in the $5m to $10m dollar range. The
number already proposed by Penn DOT was nixed by the Governor, and can only
get put back in with negotiations by the House & Senate. Don't get me wrong
I'd love to have all of these projects on the DL; I call these projects 'a
letter to Santa Clause' but who knows sometimes you find that toy train
under the tree!

David MV

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