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RE: (erielack) 30th Anniversary NS Heritage Paint Units

> And do you Lackawanna partisans note that it says at the bottom:
> ". . . and Central Railroad of New Jersey, LACKAWANNA, Lehigh 
> and Hudson River, Illinois Terminal, . . . . ."
> Quit whining.
> Schuyler

...says the Erie fan, who is getting the two-tone green unit :)

In all seriousness, this "official list" is bogus. Someone took the hand
drawings that well-known artist Andrew Fletcher came up with a few years
back (he did MANY other roads, BTW) and Photoshopped them into this poster.

There are many schemes that haven't even been finalized yet, and the
"official" list on the Trains.com website only shows 15 roadnames.

	- Paul

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