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RE: (erielack) Common foreign roadnames on DL&W

Thanks to Paul B for dredging up Schuyler's old find -- and thanks to Schuyler for finding it in the first place!  I realize it's one example out of thousands, but it's a good snapshot that confirms a few of my suspicions.  NYC and PRR had a fair amount of cars, which was no surprise.  The south had a few visitors, (ACL, SAL and L&N) which I didn't expect (no SRR, though).  A few cars from the NH, D&H, WAB/NJII and NKP supports my theory that there would be a few from those roads.  The midwest had a few random roadnames which is good to know.  
Thanks for the post!  A few more lists like that would be gold for me.  As it stands, I just go off of photos of mainline trains in the Morning Sun books for ideas.  


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