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(rshsdepot) Fresno, CA ATSF Depot Restoration

Here is a link to a great article published today in the Fresno Bee
about the restoration plans for the ATSF Depot.  According to one BNSF
official I spoke to, the new owners (the City of Fresno) are planning to
restore it to "the way it looked about 1920 or so."  


Blake H. Lindsey 

Kerman, CA, Just down the block from Kerman Yard, West Valley Branch


Cool your heels on the rail of an observation car. Let the engineer open
her up for ninety miles an hour. Take in the prairie right and left,
rolling land and new hay crops, swaths of new hay laid in the sun.  A
signalman in a tower, the outpost of Kansas City, keeps his place at a
window with the serenity of a bronze statue on a dark night when lovers
pass whispering.  

(Carl Sandburg, "Still Life")

The Railroad Station Historical Society maintains a database of existing
railroad structures at: http://www.rrshs.org
