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RE: Re: (erielack) Unansered Questions - MY TWO CENTS

Tom Schmieder commented:

> I know the National Model Railroad Association has a "membership 
> thermometer" that they publish in their monthly (?) 
> publication, Scale 
> Rails.  It has been steadily declining every year.  It's a 
> fact that the 
> largest group of railroad interested people grew up during railroad's 
> heyday, and now they're aging.

This is true, but isn't part of the decline also due to a large (and notable) member discontentment with the NMRA management and their practices? (though commendably, the management is trying to reform the grop)

> Railroads just don't impress 
> or even try to 
> entice public interest on any level other than courting 
> shippers.  Kids 
> aren't generally interested because Nintendo is a heck of alot more 
> interesting than trains (it seems that way by my nephew's reactions, 
> although I personally can't even fathom THAT idea!).

This is true (welcome to corporate America in the 21st Century, where UP is licensing their logo to MODEL MANUFACTURERS - anyone remember the story of Lionel's original F3s, where they got ATSF and NYC to chip in 1/4 the cost of development? Those were the days!)

The one bright spot (and I know many people will groan at this) is "Thomas the Tank Engine." Yes, not particularly prototypical, but it *DOES* make trains "cool" to kids. And anything that does that is OK in my book!

> The 
> NMRA and the Model 
> Railroad Manufacturer's Association have taken the bull by 
> the horns and 
> have launched a program called "Worlds Greatest Hobby" and 
> are actively 
> campaigning and promoting the hobby outside of normal railfan/modeler 
> arenas.  I hope they are successful as a continued interest 
> in the hobby is 
> needed for it to survive.  I hope that not only the ELHS, but 
> all historical 
> societies can come up with the panacea to the problem.

I agree, it's desperately needed. ALL of us can take a role in this, too! Share the magic of trains with a child!

> While I'm voicing my opinion, I'd just like to say that I'm 
> really not 
> impressed by what seems to be outright attacks on the ELHS / and it's 
> officers.  Not that they're personal, but I think we can have better 
> discussions on the topics at hand if we just stay to the 
> facts and not 
> inflammatory statements.  I do enjoy the ELHS, but had 
> curiosity as to 
> whether an elected board would be something the membership 
> had an interest 
> in.  Of course, the past and present boards have done a good 
> job in managing 
> the society, as it's still surviving and actually doing well. 
>  It's not 
> worth creating hard feelings and dividing members from each 
> other.  That 
> will only make the situation worse.   There's MY two cents!

I'm a fan of inflammatory remarks, either, though it seems a lot of that nature comes from people's frustration, which needs to be kept in check.

It all is beginning to sound very political to me now, where "spin" is being placed on everything we read. <sigh>

	- Paul
