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Re: (erielack) Well, Well, Well!

This has degenerated into personal attacks and it is time for the list 
moderator to intervene!

Pete S

- ----- Original Message ----- 
From: "William Shultz" <wshultz1_@_twcny.rr.com>
To: "Benton Bartlett" <b3j2c_@_citcom.net>
Cc: <erielack_@_lists.railfan.net>
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 5:22 PM
Subject: Re: (erielack) Well, Well, Well!

> Ben,
> I will certainly post this as you wish to the Elections Forum. It's a 
> shame people are so reluctant to participate actively and instead leaving 
> any discussion or debate to this list. I am especially disappointed since 
> several of the Board members joined the forum, yet have as here, remained 
> mute. So much for espousing the Board is so open and approachable...when 
> it suits them I suppose. Oh, but wait...they are too busy.
> I feel you adequately summed up my feelings after reading this, I have let 
> Mr. Larrabee know in no uncertain terms how I felt about it. On one level, 
> it was a very personal disappointment. I don't know if it was stupidity, 
> arrogance or both, but it is an embarrassment to all ELHS subscribers.
> I will follow your excellent suggestion, one more year and if nothing 
> changes, I will exercise the only vote I have. Some people who just want 
> to believe that all is well with the ELHS will applaud this I am sure, 
> that is for them to sort out. I was raised to speak up when I witness 
> something wrong, I value that teaching greatly and am not sorry for my 
> participation in trying to bring democracy and progress to the ELHS. There 
> comes a point though when others have to take a stand and not stand idly 
> by. The time is now for every "member" of the ELHS has to make a choice 
> for themselves. I've made mine.
> You might find it strange, but even though we disagree, I appreciate 
> members that have express their support for leaving things as they are. At 
> least they were willing to take a public position. For that they have my 
> respect.
> Regards,
> Will Shultz
> Benton Bartlett wrote:
>>Let me open this note with a statement that the whole ELHS management
>>discussion including this note belongs on a different forum. I request the
>>Mr. Schultz insures that this note gets to the EL-Elections forum in the
>>appropriate place.
>>Let me start with a little background. I joined the ERIE Railfan Society 
>>1974 and have been a member continuously. Randy - my # is 250 which makes
>>me an old ERIE 0-8-0 yard goat. I have remained quiet like most members
>>have to this point, but can no longer remain so. My primary interest is
>>modeling ERIE, with accurate history being an important factor in my 
>> This note will eventually become personal in case anyone wants to delete 
>> at
>>this point.
>>I have read some very lucid comments from the keyboards of Shawn Karney,
>>Rick Sedlisky, Rich Tubbs  and many more. Two nights ago I still equated
>>the situation as the Indians (members) trying to decide if there should be
>>a war. The Army (Board of Directors) had decided to circle the wagons and
>>wait it out. Rick closed his note with the recommendation to have some 
>>of group to diffuse the situation.
>>But now we are informed of a position that our beloved President/Chairman
>>(General Custer perhaps) has taken with another society.  I now read that
>>he has taken the liberty to discuss and declare a conclusion based on
>>incomplete analysis of the ELHS member survey. Further more to my 
>>these results were not shared with the Great Unwashed Members of the ELHS.
>>This may not be a violation of the By-Laws, but certainly it appears to
>>violate the ethics of such a society. Mr. Chairman your pointed sarcasm
>>about whether the current BOD would be re-elected was uncalled for,
>>particularly to a third party. Additionally  I would say your timing was
>>poor at best, if not arrogant. It is time for renewal notices to come out,
>>you know. When I started to put this note together, I was curious how you 
>>rationlize elected vs. self perpetuating officers - I no longer care. I 
>>interested in how other societies prospered or failed - I no longer care. 
>>I intend to renew for one more year to see how the Board of Directors
>>handles this situation. I beleive the Chairman has created an embarrassing
>>situation for them.
>>Along with self-perpatuating goes self-disciplinig. It will be interesting
>>to see what the membership numbers look like by Feb. 2006.
>>Schuyler if I misspelled, my apologies. If I have used poor grammar I
>>apologize. If I have improperly interperted your note to the R&LHS please
>>let the Great Unwashed know. Beyond that I do not care to hear your 
>>I have written this note in public because I beleive your actions affect
>>all members that participated in last falls ELHS survey, not just me.
>>Benton Bartlett
>>ELHS #250
