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(erielack) Feedwater heater Photos

NOTE: This message had contained at least one image attachment.
To view or download the image(s), click on or cut and paste the
following URL into your web browser:


elescokbundle.jpg (image/jpeg, 722x459 135783 bytes, BF: 2.44 ppb)
Elescoksystem.jpg (image/jpeg, 723x394 151093 bytes, BF: 1.89 ppb)
WorthingtonBL.jpg (image/jpeg, 579x720 209792 bytes, BF: 1.99 ppb)
WorthingtonBLSys.jpg (image/jpeg, 722x447 210688 bytes, BF: 1.53 ppb)
WorthingtonSsystem.jpg (image/jpeg, 821x580 275776 bytes, BF: 1.73 ppb)

  the drawings

Rich Young

	The Erie Lackawanna Mailing List
	Sponsored by the ELH&TS
