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(erielack) Hummmmmmm-Erie Decapod on passenger

The most remarkable item in the photo is the signal bridge; it's the most unusual one I've ever seen and it alone should pin down the location. The right end was built to accomodate another track, either previously removed or never laid.

Howard, I'm sorry you had to endure the flight delay. Having worked and travelled on passenger trains in the past, I say we lost something valuable when we jettisoned this comfortable and dignified mode of travel. It's been at least 30 years since the "romance" went out of flying, as they say. Nowadays the traveller must endure long lines, body searches, being crammed in like a sardine, getting handed a bag of pretzels instead of a hot meal and hoping that your bankrupt carrier managed to pay it's maintenance people this week. Add to that the knowledge that someone somewhere is plotting to blow you to pieces and you understand why I fly only when absolutely necessary. 

Paul B

Well, sitting in the Seattle airport so its off the top of my head (and  
today is NOT the day to try to get anywhere fast), it looks almost like an NYSW  
job, with PB #539 (#?) Stillwell mail-express-combine and those older arch-roof 
 stillwells on the end. But it appears to be an Erie commuter  on the  
main--and you probably figured that. I am thinking the date is incorrect,  as that 
is most definetly a Decapod.  Now if that was a decade earlier  (1939), it 
might be a bit more explainable, but they did fill in on  passenger and mixed 
trains on occassion.  There is another picture or two  (I think in Carleton, 1970) 
that has a similar train.  Maybe I can look it  up when I get home.
At any rate, I'm betting the passengers got to where they were going a lot  
faster than I'm making any headway herre. Oh, yes, I went from Newark to 
Seattle  to get to Montana--today's efficiencies.
Howard Haines 

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